I have two Models: Job & Location:
class Job(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=20)
company = models.CharField(max_length=20)
location = ForeignKey('Location')
class Location(models.Model):
country = models.CharField(max_length=20)
state = models.CharField(max_length=20)
city = models.CharField(max_length=20)
latitude = models.FloatField(blank=True, default=0.0)
longitude = models.FloatField(blank=True, default=0.0)
big-city = ForeignKey('Location')
Let's say: I have US/Calif/San-Fran, US/Calif/San_Jose, US/Calif/Alameda & US/Calif/Oakland in my database. I also have Manager/Ebay/San-Fran, Accountant/Amazon/San-Jose, Coop/IBM/Oakland & Director/Dell/Alameda.
Also: San-Fran has itself as big_city, while San-Jose, Alameda & Oakland have San-Fran as their big-city.
Now I do a query like this when someone is searching for all jobs in San-Fran.
However, I'd like to allow for search by region where user can search for all jobs in San-Fran Region. This would be all jobs in San-Fran, Oakland, Alameda & San-Jose?
Like "Show me all the jobs that have their location is reference by other locations".
Would this be called a double-join?
Ideally, I would be using lat-lon-radius (later exercise), but for now I want to know how to do it with a double join.
Here is a query that should do what you want:
Job.objects.filter(location__big_city__city='San-Fran', location__big_city__state='Calif', location__big_city__country='USA')
And indeed, Django uses a join twice on the Location table when running this query:
SELECT "example_job"."id", "example_job"."title", "example_job"."company", "example_job"."location_id" FROM "example_job" INNER JOIN "example_location" ON ("example_job"."location_id" = "example_location"."id") INNER JOIN "example_location" T3 ON ("example_location"."big_city_id" = T3."id") WHERE (T3."country" = USA AND T3."city" = San-Fran AND T3."state" = Calif
VN44CA : Doesn't have to be: Job.objects.filter().selected_related('Location') or was it assumed? If so, do we need to put two of these: .selected_related('Location').selected_related('Location') to indicated a double join? If so, What if Class A has B as FK and Class B has C as FK and you want to perform a double join, then would it be: A.objects.filter().selected_related('B').selected_related('C') Thanks AymanAyman Hourieh : select_related() is recommended if you plan to access ForeignKey fields in the resulting QuerySet. Only one call without args is necessary; select_query() follows foreign keys as far as possible. So if you want to access the location field in the result, use select_related().
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