Sunday, May 1, 2011

Beginners guide for setting up emacs with gcc/gdb?

I looked around the GNU emacs material and didn't find anything helpful.

Does anyone know of a good tutorial for setting up emacs, to basically turn it into an IDE? I'm looking for interfacing with gcc/gdb/make, etc...

From stackoverflow
  • Good Article

    Look at CScope too... you just have to add two lines to your .emacs to be able to navigate through definitions and references

  • Yuval, you're probably being misled by looking for something about IDEs. All that stuff is automagically built into EMACS except for the CScope-like searching stuff.

    • M-x compile runs make by default, although I reset it to run Ant in java mode.
    • M-x gdb runs gdb
    • `C=x `` (Ctrl-X backquote) goes to the next compile error

    and so on.

    Go dig about in the EMACS Wiki. Lots of good stuff. The Programming Category is where you should look.

  • Like other answers mentioned, M-x compile, M-x gdb will get you going. While debugging, I'd also suggest gdb-many-windows-mode, which makes Emacs look a bit closer to IDE when debugging.

    Besides that and to get closer to "IDE-like features", you can look at:

    Alex Ott : I just opened question to post link to article about Cedet ;-)
    Alex Ott : for work with gdb, you can use also gdb-ui from standard distribution
    Richard Corden : Being using emacs+gdb for 8+ years now - never knew about "gdb-many-windows-mode"!!! It's fantastic!
  • If you're working with version control system, you can find useful information in another my article about work with version control systems from emacs

  • Even though not directly related to C/C++ i find that using a good color scheme is important. Try:

    M-x color-theme-select

    and you can browse around a lot of different setups if you do not want to create your own.


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