Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Python equivalent of ActionScript 3's restParam

In ActionScript 3 (Flash's programming language, very similar to Java - to the point that it's disturbing), if I was defining a function and wanted it to be called with endless parameters, I could do this (restParam, I thought it was called):

function annihilateUnicorns(...unicorns):String {
    for(var i:int = 0; i<unicorns.length; i++) {
    return "404 Unicorns not found. They sploded.";

(then you could call it with this:) annihilateUnicorns(new Unicorn(), new Unicorn(), new Unicorn(), new Unicorn());

What's cool is that all of those extra parameters are stored in an array. How would I do that in python? This obviously doesn't work:

def annihilateUnicorns (...unicorns):
    for i in unicorns :
    return "404 Unicorns not found. They sploded."

Thanks! :D

From stackoverflow
  • def annihilateUnicorns(*unicorns):
        for i in unicorns: # stored in a list
        return "404 Unicorns not found. They sploded."
    UncleNinja : Thanks! That's exactly what I wanted!


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