I use .net 2.0 (C#)
I have a Person class, and i pupulate List< Person> p from the database.
i know for a fact that my list has duplicates, but when i try to remove the duplicates they don't get removed.
Does my Person class need to implement any interfaces for List< T>.Contains(T) to work properly?
Any other ideas?
Thank you.
The docs say "This method determines equality using the default equality comparer
".Simon Buchan : Which trys `IEquatable`, then falls back on `.Equals()` and `.GetHashCode()`. -
The example you reference is not a solution for removing dupes from a list, it is a function that takes a list and yields an iterator that will exclude duplicates. If you need to dedupe the entire list in one go you would need to take the
returned from the function and pass it into a newList<T>
.roman m : thanx for detail, i used that code as a reference to fill a new List from the original by checking .Contains() on the new list on ever iteration -
You need to overload Object.Equals(Object obj) in your class.
You should override Equals and GetHashCode method.
BFree : While this DOES work, implementing IEquatable is better because it's type safe, whereas Equals is not.roman m : @BFree: good pointredjackwong : Agree. But I think you should still override your GetHashCode method. This gives you better performance. -
Your Person class should implement IEquatable
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