Friday, May 6, 2011

Windows Mobile: how to highlight row in datagrid and compilation delays


I have two Windows mobile questions:

  1. how to Highlight row in datagrid (after i run any query) ?

  2. why after 20-30 compilation, it takes for 6-7 minutes to compile (the first time takes 1 minute)?

Thanks in advance!

From stackoverflow
  • For #1, take a look at Ilya Tumanov's example of custom formatting data in the DataGrid. He does custom painting of cells in it. THis is how you'd "highlight" a row.

    For #2, there's something wrong with your environment. I've not seen this or heard it reported and I've been using Studio for developing CF apps for a while now, with well over 10-30 compiles in a run. My guess is you have a network drive mapped. Unmap it and see if anything changes (though 6-7 minutes is really heinous). Also, if you're using a solution with a lot of projects, you should have a single output directory for everything instead of each project having their own, and set CopyLocal to false on all the references. This helps keep disk access duriong build to a minimum.

  • For #2: If you're using Visual Studio 2008 it may as well be a matter of PostBuild verification task. The following link pointed me in the right direction when I had the problem:


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